Central to yogic philosophy is the idea that consciousness is the fundamental thing of existence – the ever-present reality inherent in all. Consciousness is not only the witnessing power of awareness, but also the creating power of energy. When consciousness forgets itself, it’s unconscious - unaware of its own existence and its dynamic energy that constantly moves and organizes itself in a perpetual process of becoming – as the process of life.
The great yogis taught that we experience the world according to interconnected layers of consciousness. The layers are differentiated in terms of density with the outer layers expressed as the most gross, solid, and manifest aspects of consciousness and the inner layers as the most subtle, ethereal, and unmanifest aspects of consciousness. The inner layers cause and influence the development of the outer layers. The outer layers respond and develop according to inner layer influences. Anything created is supported by subtler forms of itself which cause it come into existence. What arises in a more gross layer has before it pre-existent movement and forms in a subtler layer.
According to yoga philosophy the most subtle and inner aspect of individual consciousness is our essence nature - our soul consciousness. Unlike the finite and limited mind-body, this soul consciousness is unchanging and eternal. It connects us to all of existence as a manifestation of the divine mystery.
Yoga invites us to understand this essence nature and live less from external superficial consciousness and the limits of the mind-body and to live more from awakened internal consciousness. It helps us feel into our over-identifications with our ego and orients us to a causal power – a cause that is in a perpetual process of becoming and that is also what we are essentially. Expanded awareness of consciousness begets change and can give rise to fundamental shifts out of unconscious states of being associated with suffering.