Love is the whole thing. We are the pieces.
— Rumi

Community Yoga Center’s Board of Directors at the graduation ceremony for the 2024 cohort. Back row left to right: Kristin Varner, Cherie Robinson, Allison Hagen Kennedy, Inga Buchbinder. Front row: Tobias Moyneur.



Community Yoga Center is governed by a community-centered volunteer Board of Directors - Inga Buchbinder, Allison Hagen Kennedy, Tobias Moyneur, Cherie Robinson, and Kristin Varner.


In his book of the same title John O’Donohue describes anam cara as “a loved one who awakens your life in order to free the possibilities within you,” a sacred friend who is “the truest mirror to reflect your soul.” We consider each other anam cara - soul friends who share great affection and respect for each other, consistently relating with truth and tenderness. We appreciate being a significant part of each other’s life stories.


We are guided by what bell hooks describes as a love ethic - heart values that embrace all the dimensions of love - including kindness, compassion, joy, and trust. We do this by practicing a fierce kind of awareness, honesty, and love - we practice courageously opening toward the insecurities and uncertainties of life - into the great mystery of life’s infinite unfolding - and offering care to all parts of life - the pleasant and unpleasant - the blessings and sorrows - the joys and sufferings. We value collaboration over competition and welcome folks to “come as they are.”


We recognize the grace that yoga is and try our best to share yoga wisely and respectfully for the benefit of all. We recognize our limits in understanding and, because it is hard to fathom the profundity of yoga itself, we ask for tolerance in any mistakes we make when sharing yoga. We hope to care for yoga like a mother entrusted with a child, nurturing it with love, benevolence, and commitment - having experienced the reciprocity of yoga itself and how yoga perpetually mothers us. May our relationship with yoga benefit everyone and everything.



A radical voice, Inga speaks truth to power with the rawness of a brilliant badass. Her fierce honesty makes her trustworthy. She’ll shine a light into your dark places - illuminating all that is and igniting what binds you.




Embodying the essence of Mother Nature, Allison is grounded in wild creativity. She has a tender way of intuiting what’s most needed to nurture life. She’ll show you how to look fear in the eye and give it a hug.




Like sunshine, Cherie radiates the warmth of love and light of wisdom. Her elegance is contagious as she spreads joy like glitter in wind. She’ll inspire you to repel ignorance with ease and live intentionally with grace and gratitude.




Leaping tall mountains with a single bound, Toby is a real-life superhero. His boundless heart and true grit make the world a better place. He’ll challenge you to do what scares you and celebrate the freedom you feel after doing it.




Kristin likes connecting with others almost as much as she likes yoga. Forever following her heart, she touches the depths of truth and love with unwavering resolve. She’ll take you with her if you’re willing. 


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.